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Dylan, B., Mellencamp, J., Wonder, S., Reed, L., Vedder, E., Chapman, T., . . . Hester, C. (2014). The 30th anniversary concert celebration: Deluxe edition. Columbia Records.

Chicago-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Dylan, Bob, et al. The 30th Anniversary Concert Celebration: Deluxe Edition. [S.l.]: Columbia Records, 2014.


Dylan, Bob, et al. The 30th Anniversary Concert Celebration: Deluxe Edition. Columbia Records, 2014.

Harvard-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Dylan, B., Mellencamp, J., Wonder, S., Reed, L., Vedder, E., Chapman, T., . . . Hester, C. 2014. The 30th anniversary concert celebration: Deluxe edition. [S.l.]: Columbia Records.

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