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Whiting, R. A., Kern, J., Schwartz, A., Porter, C., Gershwin, G., Rodgers, R., . . . Robin, L. (1987). 70 years of popular music: Series two. Stage & screen. International Music Publications.

Chicago-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Whiting, Richard A., et al. 70 Years of Popular Music: Series Two. Stage & Screen. Woodford Green: International Music Publications, 1987.


Whiting, Richard A., et al. 70 Years of Popular Music: Series Two. Stage & Screen. International Music Publications, 1987.

Harvard-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Whiting, R. A., Kern, J., Schwartz, A., Porter, C., Gershwin, G., Rodgers, R., . . . Robin, L. 1987. 70 years of popular music: Series two. Stage & screen. Woodford Green: International Music Publications.

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