
Tietueen sitaatit


Hauxwell, H., & Cockcroft, B. (1990). Seasons of my life: The story of a solitary Daleswoman (Arrow edition.). Arrow Books.

Chicago-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Hauxwell, Hannah, ja Barry Cockcroft. Seasons of My Life: The Story of a Solitary Daleswoman. Arrow edition. London: Arrow Books, 1990.


Hauxwell, Hannah, ja Barry Cockcroft. Seasons of My Life: The Story of a Solitary Daleswoman. Arrow edition. Arrow Books, 1990.

Harvard-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Hauxwell, H. & Cockcroft, B. 1990. Seasons of my life: The story of a solitary Daleswoman. Arrow edition. London: Arrow Books.

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