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Pheloung, B., Bazalgette, E., Vaughan, T., Viveiros, C., McCarthy, C., Lewis, R., . . . Laskey, J. (2016). Nuori Morse: The young inspector Morse. Box 1. SF Film Finland [jakaja].

Chicago-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Pheloung, Barrington, et al. Nuori Morse: The Young Inspector Morse. Box 1. Helsinki: SF Film Finland [jakaja], 2016.


Pheloung, Barrington, et al. Nuori Morse: The Young Inspector Morse. Box 1. SF Film Finland [jakaja], 2016.

Harvard-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Pheloung, B., Bazalgette, E., Vaughan, T., Viveiros, C., McCarthy, C., Lewis, R., . . . Laskey, J. 2016. Nuori Morse: The young inspector Morse. Box 1. Helsinki: SF Film Finland [jakaja].

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