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Boyd, B., Malotte, A. H., Bach, J. S., Schubert, F., Mueller, C. F., Handel, G. F., . . . Kountz, R. The lord's prayer and other favorite sacred classics. G. schirmer.

Chicago-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Boyd, Bill, et al. The Lord's Prayer and Other Favorite Sacred Classics. New york: G. schirmer.


Boyd, Bill, et al. The Lord's Prayer and Other Favorite Sacred Classics. G. schirmer.

Harvard-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Boyd, B., Malotte, A. H., Bach, J. S., Schubert, F., Mueller, C. F., Handel, G. F., . . . Kountz, R. The lord's prayer and other favorite sacred classics. New york: G. schirmer.

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