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Bacharach, B., David, H., Carpenters, e., Warwick, D., Como, P., Robbins, M., . . . Costello, E. (2001). The look of love: The Burt Bacharach collection. Warner Strategic Marketing.

Chicago-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Bacharach, Burt, et al. The Look of Love: The Burt Bacharach Collection. [S.l.]: Warner Strategic Marketing, 2001.


Bacharach, Burt, et al. The Look of Love: The Burt Bacharach Collection. Warner Strategic Marketing, 2001.

Harvard-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Bacharach, B., David, H., Carpenters, e., Warwick, D., Como, P., Robbins, M., . . . Costello, E. 2001. The look of love: The Burt Bacharach collection. [S.l.]: Warner Strategic Marketing.

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