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Clouser, C., Stolberg, J., Goldfinger, P., Bousman, D. L., Burg, M., Oram, J., . . . Minghella, M. (2021). Spiral: From the legacy of Saw.

Chicago-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Clouser, Charlie, Josh Stolberg, Pete Goldfinger, Darren Lynn Bousman, Mark Burg, Jordan Oram, Chris Rock, Samuel L. Jackson, ja Max Minghella. Spiral: From the Legacy of Saw. 2021.


Clouser, Charlie, et al. Spiral: From the Legacy of Saw. 2021.

Harvard-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Clouser, C., Stolberg, J., Goldfinger, P., Bousman, D. L., Burg, M., Oram, J., . . . Minghella, M. 2021. Spiral: From the legacy of Saw.

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