
Tietueen sitaatit


Waller, F., Teagarden, J., Lunceford, J., Goodman, B., Hawkins, C., Dorsey Brothers Orchestra, e., . . . Casa Loma Orchestra, e. (1984). On the sunny side of the street: 1934. Phontastic.

Chicago-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Waller, Fats, et al. On the Sunny Side of the Street: 1934. Stockholm: Phontastic, 1984.


Waller, Fats, et al. On the Sunny Side of the Street: 1934. Phontastic, 1984.

Harvard-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Waller, F., Teagarden, J., Lunceford, J., Goodman, B., Hawkins, C., Dorsey Brothers Orchestra, e., . . . Casa Loma Orchestra, e. 1984. On the sunny side of the street: 1934. Stockholm: Phontastic.

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